Software Products

A big part of our work consists of software development for cosmological simulations. You find the biggest projects along with a link to the source code repositories below.



MUSIC is an initial-conditions generator for zoom simulations, where high resolution is generated only in a small subregion of space. MUSIC supports virtually all commonly used simulation codes in numerical cosmology. Access the code repository here.



monofonIC is the full-grid (non-zoom) initial conditions generator part of MUSIC2. It currently supports very high order Lagrangian perturbation theory, as well as a significantly more accurate treatment of multi-fluid initial conditions. In contrast to MUSIC1, it also can run on many nodes using MPI. Access the code repository here.


Data Products

Below you find some of our data products. 

CosmICweb is a database system for initial conditions for cosmological zoom simulations built around the MUSIC cosmological initial conditions generator infrastructure.

Click here to access the cosmICweb website.



DASH -- a library of dynamical subhalo evolution

DASH is a library that contains thousands of N-body simulations following the dynamical evolution of a dark matter subhalo in a host halo potential as described in Ogiya et al. 2019

The DASH library is freely accessible and comes with a Python notebook that implements a pre-trained (machine learned) model of the data.